
When Jamie takes too many biology classes

Here is a funny (but very true) quote 

from wikipedia: There are approximately ten times as many bacterial cells as human cells in the human body, with large numbers of bacteria on the skin and in the digestive tract.


Bates Nut Farm 08 and 07

Shiloh went with her yaya (my mom) to Bate's Nut Farm recently...Here are some of the pictures she took from that, and some pictures of our trip there last October. I absolutely love this farm. There website is here.
Its funny because this year she looks almost too big for the little pony, and last year I thought she looked almost too small to ride. :)


sugar and spice and everything nice

Shiloh has been talking about this for days. I can tell she loved it :)

ok and then here are the pictures from last year.... (i think i am probably the worst blogger ever...it takes me a whole year to get my pictures up. lol)


more pumpkins!

more horsies! (aw shiloh is just a baby!)

baby goat love

this pig is the ugliest cute thing i have ever seen


ooohhhh......the ghost of disneylandia!

oh, i forgot to post my favorite disneyland picture.
it is a picture of a ghost in the cemetary in front of the haunted mansion ride. lol.
shad says it is just a glare from the sun, but i know better. lol
ghosts just love dineyland. and hot tubs too.


the labyrinth

Shad made the coolest thing ever today.

It was like a 20ft X 20ft fort for shiloh. Actually I think labyrinth would be a more appropriate term. I kept expecting Ludo to pop out. It had like 3 "rooms" and came complete with secret passageways and tricky dead ends. I think he used like every old sheet we own. but it was very cool and shiloh loves it.


The mirror at the end of a passage

Shad poking his head out of the fort (this is what it looked like from above, except it covered the whole room)


i want to eat a kitty

I have discovered that when feeding small children,
presentation is everything.
This is my new best friend: the kitty shaped cookie cutter
is it exactly the same size as a piece of bread
coincidence? i think not!

Here is Shiloh admiring my work of art
(note her lovely blue nails - she gave herself her very first sharpie manicure)

yes, she really is as excited as she looks

yum! fiber!

p.s. yes, shiloh does wear clothes from time to time (ha, yeah right) but while i'm posting cute diaper shots, here is another funny one:

one of my dogs likes to chew on the garden hose, and in doing so she cuts it into progressively smaller and smaller pieces, which shiloh then uses to beat them with. (just kidding...she mostly beats the grass, trees, me, ect....but i do like the worried look on my dog's face in this picture. ha...look at her ears!)



"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times,
always with the same person."

This is my Shadrack







and last but not least...daniel "shad"cliffe


happy birthday jack

Shiloh went to her cousins birthday party last weekend. well i think he is her cousin. maybe like step-cousin-in-law-once-removed. anyways it was cute, she wore her princess dress and got to squash some farm animals petting zoo style. but the funiest thing was her and some other toddler wearing darth vader paraphernalia.

last but not least, here is the birthday boy (Jack) in all his pantless-present-opening-glory!
oh to be three years old again.


More Family

Jamie, Shiloh, GG, and Nana

(GG = shiloh's wonderful great grandma)

(Nana= my beautiful mother-in-law)