
Kids do the darndest things

Shiloh's new favorite toys are Chavon's nativity scene figures. i feel catholic because the virgin mary keeps popping up on my bedposts or tables etc. However sometimes she seems a bit...um different. Here she is in her easter regalia.

i think this was probably shad's idea

This is from when we were moving. Many car rides back and forth, back and forth, and usually Rosie usually ended up pretty crunched by boxes on the way back. Here shiloh is sharing her seat. This probably qualifies simultaneoulsy as cruelity to both children and animals but hey, it made a cute picture :P

1 comment:

Paul and Kameron Morton said...

Can you come over to my blog and do the commentary for me? Your blog is one of my very favorites because you always make me laugh out loud!! I wish I was funny....
I love all these pictures of Shiloh, especially the one with the virgin mary!!